Trevor Moore


NETS-T Standard 5

NETS-T Standard 5: Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership

Teachers continuously improve their professional practice, model lifelong learning, and exhibit leadership in their school and professional community by promoting and demonstrating the effective use of digital tools and resources. Teachers:

A. participate in local and global learning communities to explore creative applications of technology to improve student learning.

This project was created to be part of a presentation that discusses why technology should be integrated in the classroom and how that can be accomplished. This project would be used to initiate a conversation between my colleagues and myself in which interesting and creative ways technology can be used in the classroom to improve student learning.

B. exhibit leadership by demonstrating a vision of technology infusion, participating in shared decision making and community building, and developing the leadership and technology skills of others.

This project created to be part of a presentation that I would give to my colleagues in which I would discuss why technology should be integrated into the classroom and how that can be done. This project would also be used to help me develop the technologic skills of my colleagues.

C. evaluate and reflect on current research and professional practice on a regular basis to make effective use of existing and emerging digital tools and resources in support of student learning.

Literature Review This paper evaluates current research on the topic of integrating technology into the classroom. The information that is evaluated in this paper discusses digital tools and resources that can be used to support student learning. This paper would be used as a model for students to show them how to appropriately evaluate and reflect current research.

D. contribute to the effectiveness, vitality, and self-renewal of the teaching profession and of their school and community.

This project contributes to the effectiveness and self-renewal of teachers by helping them learn new ways of integrating and using various technologies in their classrooms. The project would be used during a presentation in which I would discuss how teachers can integrate technology into their classroom in order to aid their students in gaining higher achievements.

National Educational Technology Standards for Teachers, Second Edition Copyright 2008, ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education),  All rights reserved.

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